Our ‘Little Duck and Me’ baby classes have been named the best Child Development Class by HONOLULU MAGAZINE and HONOLULU FAMILY MAGAZINE in 2023! Check out our feature below!
⭐️ Untaught, effective strategies to help your baby progress development
⭐️ Life-changing, affordable equipment and toy recommendations
⭐️ Important tips to make play time fun for you and your baby
⭐️ The importance of symmetry with movement
⭐️ Community with parents and caregivers with same-aged keiki
⭐️ Play skills targeted for their unique stage of infancy
⭐️ Communication skills between you and baby
⭐️ Social skills with other babies
Are you a new parent or caregiver with a newborn? Do you live on O’ahu and want to set your little one up for a successful development?
You have arrived at the right place! Introducing our ‘Little Duck and Me’ baby development classes for families with babies 3-12 months old! These one-of-a-kind classes were created for families like yours who want the best development for their little one. Through this six week course, we give you the tools and support you need to help your baby achieve their developmental milestones in their first year of life and beyond! Not to mention, you get to make lifelong connections with other families and create TONS of fun memories that you will cherish forever. You will leave a more confident caregiver, with more tools in your toolbox to support your keiki’s development!